
Data Center Solutions LLC practices proper procedures to Decontaminate Data Center and other critical environments

What is Federal Standard 209e for Data Centers?

The outmoded (replaced by ISO 14644) benchmark for optimum and safe operating levels is compared to Federal Standard 209e for Data Centers at 100,000 particles at .5 microns per cubic foot of air space.

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Federal Standard 209E has been replaced with ISO Standard 14644. The first subsection in ISO 14644 (ISO STND. 14644-1) has some unique changes from the old Federal Standard – however they are very similar. This standard is now in effect for critical environments (Cleanrooms, Data Centers, etc.) worldwide. Some companies have been successful with the federal Standard 209E, and may not have switched over yet. It is important for these companies to know the main differences are easy to implement and may not be a costly change.

The main differences between Federal Standard 209E and ISO 14644-1 (Testing Standards) are:

  • ISO Establishes 0.1um as the “Standard” Diameter
  • ISO Creates 3 New Cleanliness Classes
  • 2 “Cleaner” classes (ISO class 1 and ISO class 2) than Federal Standard 209E
  • 1 “Dirtier” Class (ISO Class 9) which is allows more particulate than Fed Standard 209E class 100,000
  • Allows for discarding of “Outliers” – Federal Standard 209E did not.